I invited my family to a dinner to benefit the Shrine of Carmen in Maipu, promised by O'Higgins after the battle, in 1818, and completed in the government of the military junta after 1973. Promise made and served in gratitude to the Virgin for their help to preserve our freedoms, both times threatened.

When we were going to dinner we were detained by a car congestion on the avenue Kennedy, then I had time to chat with two of my granddaughters, both in the last years of High School. They explained that in the area of Social Sciences must learn to praise the figure of Salvador Allende and criticizing General Augusto Pinochet, because those are the contents of the course, so ordered by the Ministry of Education.

Indeed, they know that the military junta headed by the second person, saved the country from the destructive work, which conducted the first person. Of the same opinion is their teachers. But both understand that if we do not follow the teachings of the official texts venture to get a lower score in the PSU and therefore not accessible to college, or not have the financing offered by the State for those who continue studies senior and have achieved good scores in the PSU.

The other day watching the news on channel Catholic, "in connection with shotguns", we saw the image of a cyber-art courtroom. Supposedly in La Moneda in 1973. There, the government of the Unidad Popular, stated that: we will fix the country's problems. Then appeared on the screen the image of Salvador Allende, who was unable to complete his term of government and lead the country to a prosperous future, and a quote stated, "prevented by the coup of September 11".

And again, brains washed received a fresh rinse, when was disclosed the pious image of who heads the government, together with His Holiness the Pope. They were among those who instilled the President and the Pope had a "tremendous harmony."

Indeed, how could it have "tremendous harmony" between the representative of God on Earth and the ruler who does not believe in God? Between the great defender of the life of an unborn child and who promotes massive sale of a potentially abortion pill? Between the champion of family strength and the President of the coalition after eviction whose only remnants remain shipwrecked marriage?
But it is certain that the brains washed not suspect anything, the minister (s) of Health dared, at the same time proclaiming that the "tremendous harmony" between laughter and full of joy, she put it on the the presence of many people, a condom at the effigy of a virile member size "XL" (without the slightest pity to self-esteem carriers size "L", "M", "S" and "petit").

This prompts everyone to the mass fornication. And so nobody will notice that does not fit the "tremendous harmony."
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